Thursday 8 May 2008

Final Blog !!




What is your degree subject (both if joint)?


Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?


If so, how? And if not, why not?

Because it relates to behaviour

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?

I think it is an appropriate level

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?

Yes, and very interesting

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?

I think binge drinking would be good because it is becoming a common problem

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?


What did you think of the module team?

The module team were very good.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?


Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?


Information and talk from lecturers?


The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?

I think Being Bad has been such a broad module it needs to draw on all these disciplines.

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?


Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?

Yes, as said earlier I think you could not do it without various, other disciplines.

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?


Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?

Not sure, if I have electives to choose I may consider doing that module

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?

Yes, it’s been fun

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?

They are a good idea but a little demanding to keep on top of

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?

Personally, I would have preferred to write one long essay because I found the creative piece quite difficult

What have you learned from the module?

I have learned not to always judge people on first impressions. I know that because someone can be bad, this doesn’t make the whole person and I think the same can be said for a lot of the subjects covered.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?

I have found the web logs probably most useful because you get to put across your own opinion as well as reading what other people think on a particular subject

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?

I think the creative writing was a bit of a waste of time because I don’t think I will ever write fiction again

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?

I have enjoyed doing this module but got a bit annoyed with all the talking that went on during the lectures. All the other lectures I attend would not put up with all the chatter and would send the offenders out of the lecture because it really does disturb other people’s learning, but apart from that, I think it has been well worth doing!


In response to

I'm glad someone has finally said that it is personal choice to smoke or not. Everyone seems intend on making all the smokers quit but it is personal choice! It is not advertised on TV and as you pointed out in your blog alcohol is still advertised and i think this is causing much more trouble on the streets than smoking!

Wednesday 7 May 2008


In response to
Wow, I found those pictures quite disturbing on your blog about body modification. But I do fully agree with you about women trying to become a size zero and get bigger breasts. It's absolutely ridiculous what people will put themselves through to become what they think is a better, more desirable person. What they're really doing is making themselves look worse!

Tuesday 6 May 2008


In resonse to
I have to comment on your blog regarding being bad during lectures. I agree that during the lecture on bandits and outlaws, students were really disrespecting the lecturer by talking and even walking out. I also found it really disrupting and couldn't concentrate with all the talking going on. Here, here, if you don't want to listen, don't come to the lecture!

Monday 5 May 2008


In response to :
I thought your blog about swearing was absolutely spot on. It's disgusting to hear mothers swearing at their children in the street and I hate it! But... it may be quite funny to see the reaction if you were to swear in a job interview, but don't think I'll actually try it!

Friday 2 May 2008


In response to :
I think it is quite harsh to say that you don't like a person just because they smoke. They could have really nice personalities and just because they choose to smoke doesn't make them a bad person, it's really down to personal choice. I understand where you are coming from saying that you wouldn't want to inhale someone else's smoke. That is quite understandable. Also, just one other point. There may be all the help in the world for people to stop smoking but if that person is not psychologically ready and doesn't really want to give up, it's not going to happen!!

Wednesday 30 April 2008

Being Too Religious

Is it possible to be too religious? I think it is. I could never base my life around a religion but I'm not saying that other people can't. It's personal choice. Some people need religion in their life to give them faith, something to believe in. Other people are quite happy to go along with their lives believing there is no God and that they have complete control over their lives without the guidance of a higher being.

I have to mention Jehovahs Witnesses. I have had an unfortunate encounter with these people, when a member of my family joined them when they were at a low point in their lives. These people completely contradict themselves, with infidelity going on ALL THE TIME. All they do is say they are disfellowshipped from the congregation and make them stand at the back of their meetings! As for not celebrating birthdays and christmas, is this really fair on the children who have to go to a mainstream school but sit out of all the activities with their friends just because of their parents beliefs? I don't think so! Also, one last point. When my son was born very prematurely, he needed a number of blood transfusions just to survive. How any parent could stand by and watch their children die for the sake of religion is beyond me, but they do. Madness! I am glad to say that my family member has seen the light and is no longer a Jehovahs Witness!! I'm sure you can see where I stand on this subject!!

To see the truth behind the cult watch this clip. IT'S ALL TRUE.

Image from:

Monday 21 April 2008


Bullying is bad behaviour whichever way you look at, whether it is in the workplace, at school or anywhere really. I was never personally bullied at school but I know people who were and even now they are adults, they are still trying to prove that they are better than the bullies made them out to be. It's really not fair. I remember starting my first job when i was 16 (sounding old now!) and I would view the behaviour of my manager as bullying. She would make me feel stupid when I made a mistake and would deliberately file things in the wrong place and make out it was my fault, just to prove the point that she was the manager and I was the employee. I didn't realise at the time though but looking back now she was really horrible to me and I don't think that type of behaviour would be acceptable now.

There are worse cases of bullying though and it can make someones life a living hell. This is really the lowest of the low and is definately bad behaviour.

I thought this was a good move for Youtube because of its popularity:

Saturday 19 April 2008

Bad Comedians

Can some comedians be classed as bad comedians? Well I think that some of them can. I used to think that Roy Chubby Brown was quite funny but now if I hear it I find myself cringing. My opinion has changed for some reason but I don't know why. Some comedians can also be quite offensive but it seems to be quite acceptable because the jokes are usually about their own culture or religion, so no-one can really say anything about them ripping chunks out of themselves. However, when people are picked from audiences and jokes are made about them it can be embarrassing to person or group of people and can be taken offensively! I'm sure I would probably take offense but then I probably wouldn't go to see a comedian!

Was going to put a Youtube clip on but didn't want to offend anyone so instead a few facts about the man Roy 'Chubby' Brown:

Friday 18 April 2008


After the lecture, I was quite amazed to find that drugs didn't really start on the streets but in the hands of the educated. A certain fact is that they are definitely on the streets now!! When talking about drugs being illigal in the lecture and whether they should be legalised was quite interesting because we have to ask, would there be so many addicts if drugs were legal and wouldn't drugs be used more responsibly? If drugs were legal there probably wouldn't be as much crime and you wouldn't have to visit the shady people who deal the drugs behind closed doors.

But... they are not legal and long term use really does have bad side effects. I think you can usually tell if a person is a drug addict, especially heroin addicts. You only have to go into your local town and i'm sure you could pick them out a mile off!
Here is a link from the BBC website about drug abuse:

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Underage Drinking

After watching one of those police programmes on TV, I have come to realise what a problem underage drinking really is and how many kids are doing it. This really is bad behaviour! Don't these kids parents have any control over what their up to!!

That said, thinking back to when I was around the age of 14 where was I ?? In the local park drinking cheap bottles of cider that some others had bought along!! He He!!

Anyway now that I am much older and wiser with kids of my own I can criticise other people for underage drinking!!

However, there is a serious side to underage drinking as this article points out and also gives some of the health implications:

Tuesday 15 April 2008


People who drop litter on our streets are just being inconsiderate. It makes our towns and cities look horrible and will stop people wanted to come that area. Can you imagine people coming from the countryside into a big city and seeing the amount of rubbish on the streets.

It doesn't really take a lot just to put it in the bin or recycle it does it? By dropping litter it is damaging our planet and is also damaging to animals. Just the other day I saw a man on TV talking about litter being left on our beautiful beaches and how damaging this is to marine life. There are even bins provided on the beach and still inconsiderate people decide to leave their rubbish behind.

If you decide to drop your litter you are looking at paying the price, with a fine on the spot or even worse. This website gives advice about littering and penalties it can incur.

Monday 14 April 2008

Road Rage!

I think road rage is bad behaviour. For those of us who drive, it can strike at any time and I have to admit I sometimes do it myself. Drivers nowadays seem to be in such a rush, cutting people up at islands, pulling out of junctions when they don't have time, forcing the person behind to break sharply. This is when the road rage can hit!

But, if you've been on the recieving end of road rage it's not very nice. I guess we all make mistakes when driving, which can make other people angry but it's the serial offenders that really get to people, the ones that drive like it all the time!

This useful website lets all those that have suffered at the hands of road rage let off some steam:

Sunday 13 April 2008


I think graffiti can sometimes be tasteful and shows how talented some people are when it is done in designated places made for that sort of thing, but this is not always the case. Just opposite the shop where I work, some very obnoxious people have put graffiti all over the window of another shop premises. It is really unsightly and VERY offensive. It stops people coming to shop in particular areas because it is so unsightly. I think it's really unfair to the owners and just costs more money to keep cleaning this mindless graffiti off! It gives the area a bad reputation and therefore affects the profit of shops. I think the bad graffiti I have seen constitutes very bad behaviour!

This link is a website that has some tasteful, pretty impressive graffiti!

Thursday 10 April 2008


I think swearing is bad behaviour! Although I do swear from time to time I don't really like it. I hate it when people are heard to be swearing in the street, especially if you have got children with you. Some people seem to think that swearing makes them sound good in front of their mates, but it really doesn't. I think it just shows they have been brought up in an environment where swearing is okay.

Of course we all do it from time to time, especially if you drop something or hurt yourself! But I think it can be classed as bad behaviour if it is frequent and in front of others who may find it offensive.

This website is for young children who swear and inventive ways to stop them using bad language:

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Bandits and Outlaws

The most well known bandits and outlaws are probably people like Jesse James and Robin Hood. As we learned from the lecture the story of Robin Hood has changed considerably over time, with him being made out to be a hero who stole from the rich to give to the poor.

The truth about bandits and outlaws were that they were really only out for themselves and didn't really steal from the rich but actually stole from other poor communities, but never their own! This has got to be bad behaviour!!

If we had outlaws nowadays I'm sure they wouldn't be as glorified as Jesse James because he is a figure from the past and people glorify him as an iconic figure because he is from a different era. Today they would just be arrested!!

This website shows newspaper articles about Jesse James:

Monday 7 April 2008

Body Modification

People who modify their bodies are trying to express something about themselves, whether it is through tattoos or piercings or some other form. I think a spur of the moment thing, such as a tattoo, would later be regretted because it is something that is going to be there forever. I personally would never have a tattoo because although they do look good on some people I could never do something that permanent, but that is just me. I don't think that others are bad for wanting to modify their bodies, as long as it is a well thought through decision.

I have to say after looking at the BME website some of the piercings actually make me feel physically sick!! But each to their own!!

Take a look for yourself at:

Sunday 6 April 2008


Everyone tells lies at some point but is it bad behaviour or just harmless? Sometimes lying to someone is for their own benefit and is to protect them in the long run but does not necessarily mean it is the right thing to do. I'm sure that everyone tells 'white lies' or sometimes exaggerates the truth. For example, if I told my five year old that beef comes from a cow, she probably would never eat it again!

I think as long as it's only a 'white lie' and not a whopper then it's okay. I could never be one of those compulsive liars because I would forget what I had said and definitely get caught out!!

The website I have found followed 30 students for a week to see how much they lied. See, everyone does it!

Image from:

Sunday 30 March 2008

Binge Drinking

Is drinking too much alcohol bad behaviour? Most people enjoy a social drink with friends and don't always end up 'off their faces', but we have seen a recent epidemic of binge drinkers with most women now drinking more than men. Even teenagers seem to have a problem with alcohol, with more kids than ever hanging around in parks and streets just getting completely drunk.

The police complain about the extra resources that have to be provided just to cope with binge drinkers.

An interesting article I have found in the Telegraph gives a slightly amusing twist to binge drinking claiming, 'Binge Drinking is as British as Rain'.

Here is the link for you to take a look.

Saturday 29 March 2008


Stalking can take on many different forms. Stalking can start from unwanted phonecalls and text messages to the extreme of being followed and someone knowing all of your personal details. For people who stalk other people it has never been easier with all the modern technology. With just a click all your personal details can be made available and with the government losing all different kinds of personal and confidential data who knows where our details will end up?

The person being stalked may not even be aware this is happening but on the other hand a person who is aware they are being stalked can suffer great distress. They may not feel save, even in their own homes and this may effect their lives in the longterm. The website from the BBC gives really good advice about what to do if you think you are being stalked and I have to say after reading this it is quite frightening to think what a person being stalked has to suffer, sometimes on a daily basis.

Tuesday 25 March 2008


Is masturbation bad behaviour? Well, it does seem to be a delicate subject that people never discuss between friends and if your a very good person you never do it!! Even sitting in the lecture I felt a slight blush when people had to come up with various names for masturbation!

Personally, I do not view it as bad behaviour but that does not mean that everyone will have the same viewpoint. People don't seem to have a problem talking about sex so why don't people discuss masturbation? Or is it that masturbation is still frowned upon in society? Certainly, in the past masturbation has been viewed as very bad behaviour and all sorts of contraptions were used to stop people doing it as you can see from the image. But, what I found most funny as you will see on the website I found, was that in the late 1800's women were given vibrators to treat hysteria!

Image from:

Sunday 23 March 2008


I would say that stealing is bad behaviour, no matter which way you look at it, but some people do have various reasons for doing it and I believe can even get addicted to the thrill of doing it! If I had to say all stealing is the same then that would be a different matter. You can't put shoplifting into the same category as armed robbery. People can get directly hurt when an armed robbery takes place and I think this would be worse but that still doesn't make shoplifting any more acceptable.

When we had this lecture about stealing it made me think of a psychological theory proposed by Kohlberg (1968) about moral reasoning.(As I am studying psychology as my main subject I knew it would pop up somewhere!) A man has a very sick wife and without a certain medicine will die. He does not have the money to buy the medicine and the question that was proposed to children of different ages was, should he steal the medicine? I think if I was in that situation I would probably steal the medicine to save my partner's life, but does that make me a bad person? Take a look at Kohlbergs method on the link below and make your own mind up.

Friday 21 March 2008


Yes, I am a smoker and some might think I’m mad, but I do have to agree with the smoking ban. It’s not really fair to make other people breathe your smoke, fair enough, I wouldn’t want them to. (But don’t ask me that when it’s raining and there’s a gale force wind outside!)

Then you have all the health risks that we are all very aware of, which I have to say are constantly rammed down your throat, even if you don’t want to hear them. I think society definitely sees smoking as bad behaviour if you’re a non-smoker of course but how come you have nurses’ at doctor’s practices, ramming all these health risks down your throat and trying to book you into the latest stop smoking sessions, then the next time you see them in town, there they are, smoking!!

After looking through various websites it seems there’s nothing good to say about smoking, so here are the health risks (again) just to brighten your day!!

Thursday 20 March 2008

Bad Cinema

When we were told we had a lecture on ‘Bad Cinema’ I wasn’t really sure what it was going to be. I thought maybe it would be a comedy or some sort of cheesy horror, you know, from the 80’s or something. But, I was very wrong. The film that we watched called ‘Kids’, directed by Larry Clark (1995), was meant to shock parents about what teenagers get up to. I am a mother of two myself and yes, I was horrified and disgusted at what these teenagers got up to but what I asked myself was, where were all the parents??

You’ve got the main character, Telly who is already HIV positive and enjoys taking the virginity of girls younger than him, therefore spreading the virus. There is a girl called Jenny who has found out she has also contracted HIV from Telly, then another character called Casper who rapes Jenny while high on drink and drugs and also is at risk from contracting HIV (but maybe that serves him right for raping her!). The way the director has filmed this, is like a documentary following the teenagers for 24 hours, but it was a bit too raw for my liking!! Click on the link to watch the trailer of the film ‘Kids’.
I have to agree with your veiws about bad computer games and films getting into the hands of children. There should be stricter rules about children playing these games or watching the films. I used to work at a well known supermarket, on the music and video desk which also included computer games and I was shocked to find that the parents used to buy the games for the children because the kids were too young to buy them themselves!!

Tuesday 18 March 2008


Just to put this into perspective, i'm 27, in a happy relationship for the last eleven years with two children , a dog and just acquired an estate car to match! So why would I want to betray my partner and commit an act of infidelity??

Well after meeting up with some friends who I havn't seen for ages it seems like everyone in a relationship isn't happy and are on the lookout for something bigger and better. However, I think the reality of it is, cheating on your partner is not the answer. Doesn't the grass on the other side always look greener?

The fact is, the one left at home being cheated on may never trust anyone again or it may take a very long time. It's the same as if someone in your family betrayed you by stealing something precious to you, you probably wouldn't ever trust them in your house again!

Acts of infidelity can course major upset to a family especially if children are involved. I agree that people shouldn't stay together just for the sake of the children as the children can always pick up on bad feeling but maybe the unhappy situation should be discussed before an act of betrayal is commited and it all gets too messy!!

For more info about infidelity take a look at this website:

Picture taken from:

Thursday 21 February 2008

Field Trip

Well, I've been asked to do this weblog as part of my university course, for a module called Being Bad. It is intended to show all the immoral and naughty things that people get up to. We're not talking serial killers or anything like that, just things such as smoking, masterbation or telling lies (not really serious then!) I've been asked to suggest a place that would be appropriate for a field trip and as Amsterdam is out of the question (this has already been suggested and turned down!) why not just go into town and go to the pubs and clubs. I'm sure plenty of bad behaviour could be witnessed right on our doorstep such as binge drinking, smoking and infidelity! After all we read about it neally every day in the local news!!

Here is an article from the Telegraph that shows how serious our binge drinking habit are: