Sunday 23 March 2008


I would say that stealing is bad behaviour, no matter which way you look at it, but some people do have various reasons for doing it and I believe can even get addicted to the thrill of doing it! If I had to say all stealing is the same then that would be a different matter. You can't put shoplifting into the same category as armed robbery. People can get directly hurt when an armed robbery takes place and I think this would be worse but that still doesn't make shoplifting any more acceptable.

When we had this lecture about stealing it made me think of a psychological theory proposed by Kohlberg (1968) about moral reasoning.(As I am studying psychology as my main subject I knew it would pop up somewhere!) A man has a very sick wife and without a certain medicine will die. He does not have the money to buy the medicine and the question that was proposed to children of different ages was, should he steal the medicine? I think if I was in that situation I would probably steal the medicine to save my partner's life, but does that make me a bad person? Take a look at Kohlbergs method on the link below and make your own mind up.

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