Thursday 20 March 2008

Bad Cinema

When we were told we had a lecture on ‘Bad Cinema’ I wasn’t really sure what it was going to be. I thought maybe it would be a comedy or some sort of cheesy horror, you know, from the 80’s or something. But, I was very wrong. The film that we watched called ‘Kids’, directed by Larry Clark (1995), was meant to shock parents about what teenagers get up to. I am a mother of two myself and yes, I was horrified and disgusted at what these teenagers got up to but what I asked myself was, where were all the parents??

You’ve got the main character, Telly who is already HIV positive and enjoys taking the virginity of girls younger than him, therefore spreading the virus. There is a girl called Jenny who has found out she has also contracted HIV from Telly, then another character called Casper who rapes Jenny while high on drink and drugs and also is at risk from contracting HIV (but maybe that serves him right for raping her!). The way the director has filmed this, is like a documentary following the teenagers for 24 hours, but it was a bit too raw for my liking!! Click on the link to watch the trailer of the film ‘Kids’.
I have to agree with your veiws about bad computer games and films getting into the hands of children. There should be stricter rules about children playing these games or watching the films. I used to work at a well known supermarket, on the music and video desk which also included computer games and I was shocked to find that the parents used to buy the games for the children because the kids were too young to buy them themselves!!

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