Saturday 29 March 2008


Stalking can take on many different forms. Stalking can start from unwanted phonecalls and text messages to the extreme of being followed and someone knowing all of your personal details. For people who stalk other people it has never been easier with all the modern technology. With just a click all your personal details can be made available and with the government losing all different kinds of personal and confidential data who knows where our details will end up?

The person being stalked may not even be aware this is happening but on the other hand a person who is aware they are being stalked can suffer great distress. They may not feel save, even in their own homes and this may effect their lives in the longterm. The website from the BBC gives really good advice about what to do if you think you are being stalked and I have to say after reading this it is quite frightening to think what a person being stalked has to suffer, sometimes on a daily basis.

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