Wednesday 30 April 2008

Being Too Religious

Is it possible to be too religious? I think it is. I could never base my life around a religion but I'm not saying that other people can't. It's personal choice. Some people need religion in their life to give them faith, something to believe in. Other people are quite happy to go along with their lives believing there is no God and that they have complete control over their lives without the guidance of a higher being.

I have to mention Jehovahs Witnesses. I have had an unfortunate encounter with these people, when a member of my family joined them when they were at a low point in their lives. These people completely contradict themselves, with infidelity going on ALL THE TIME. All they do is say they are disfellowshipped from the congregation and make them stand at the back of their meetings! As for not celebrating birthdays and christmas, is this really fair on the children who have to go to a mainstream school but sit out of all the activities with their friends just because of their parents beliefs? I don't think so! Also, one last point. When my son was born very prematurely, he needed a number of blood transfusions just to survive. How any parent could stand by and watch their children die for the sake of religion is beyond me, but they do. Madness! I am glad to say that my family member has seen the light and is no longer a Jehovahs Witness!! I'm sure you can see where I stand on this subject!!

To see the truth behind the cult watch this clip. IT'S ALL TRUE.

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