Tuesday 25 March 2008


Is masturbation bad behaviour? Well, it does seem to be a delicate subject that people never discuss between friends and if your a very good person you never do it!! Even sitting in the lecture I felt a slight blush when people had to come up with various names for masturbation!

Personally, I do not view it as bad behaviour but that does not mean that everyone will have the same viewpoint. People don't seem to have a problem talking about sex so why don't people discuss masturbation? Or is it that masturbation is still frowned upon in society? Certainly, in the past masturbation has been viewed as very bad behaviour and all sorts of contraptions were used to stop people doing it as you can see from the image. But, what I found most funny as you will see on the website I found, was that in the late 1800's women were given vibrators to treat hysteria!


Image from: http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fathom.com/course/10701039/10701039Vicpenis.jpg&imgrefurl=http://s.current.com/items/88831008_antique_anti_masturbation_device&h=354&w=236&sz=52&hl=en&start=59&tbnid=hWHYnHY5doZcQM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=81&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmasturbation%26start%3D40%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26ie%3DUTF-8

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